Friday, August 3, 2007

Daw Aung San Su Kyi's independence day

Daw Aung San Su Kyi's independence day speech stresses faith in Burma’s youth
04 January 2003 (Mizzima News)

Today, on Burmese Independence Day, a ceremony was held at NLD headquarters in Yangon, featuring traditional singing and a dance party. In the morning, the Secretary- General of the NLD, Daw Aung San Su Kyi, attended the celebration as did other senior politicians. Daw Aung Su Kyi shared her good wishes for the Burmese people.

Daw Aung San Su Kyi extended her gratitude especially to the young people of Burma: “What I want to say to the people of Burma is that to protect the spirit of liberty is to protect something that is worthwhile, so no one will set it aside or throw it away on the street if it is so truly worthy. So liberty is not the thing that should be thrown away in the streets. Only if we are able to protect liberty will it be long lasting. That’s all! I also personally want to express my gratitude towards the young people. When I was on my trip, especially the young people welcomed me very warmly and supported me. I was very much encouraged by them, and I found a lot of hopes for the future of Burma. Therefore I want to thank the youth and encourage them to keep trying, and I would like to share my best wishes for the young people so that they may grow into people serving the country”.

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